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There comes a point in every sales opportunity where you have a choice to make:

Close the sale or close the file.

As salespeople, everything in us wants to close the sale. We’re often willing to take a “call me next week” or believe when the prospect says, “Let me think about it.”

But our gut is often telling us something different.

“This isn’t a good fit.”

“She won’t pick up when I call next week.”

“He’s not going to think about it. He’s just being nice.”

This is what David Sandler called “Wimp Junction.”

Wimp Junction is that place where we can either fall into the traditional sales process and allow the prospect to take advantage of us, or we can do what we know is the right thing to do.

And, often, the right thing to do is “close the file” and move on.

“Closing the file” has been one of the most powerful concepts I’ve learned through Sandler. For years, I would follow up and follow up and follow up, sending email after email, leaving voicemail after voicemail, in hopes of closing the sale. I would build 27 page proposals, present all our ideas and recommendations to the prospect, and then accept an “I’ll think it over.”

Now, if I don’t hear back within the agreed upon response time, I send an email or leave a voicemail that looks something like this:

“Chris – Since I haven’t heard back from you, I’m going to assume this project is no longer a priority for you, or you’ve decided to go in a different direction. In either case, I’ll go ahead and close the file for now.”

This accomplishes two main objectives:

1. It’s clear with the prospect that I’m not going to chase him.
2. It allows me to physically take him off my list and not waste any more time.

You’ll be amazed at the pressure that is relieved and the time saved when you put this concept into action.

Who do you need to “close the file” on today?


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